Friday Fancies

Hello! Here are my favourite finds of the week
This is the best shirt I have ever seen
Mochi Things
I love the design of this 
A Beautiful Mess
I really want to make these junk food cat toys!! 
LydShirreff  on etsy
This is gorgeous 
Lamp + Pen holder
Typo always have great stuff, I love both of these! 
Urban Outfitters
A gorgeous glass display case - so simple and beautiful 
Have a great day!
Megan xo


  1. That cactus lamp is adorable! Sometimes I'm sad we don't have Typo stores here, and then I realize I would give them way too much money if given the option, ha!

    1. I can't go into them without buying something - they are SO GOOD!

  2. Replies
    1. If I didn't already have pen holders I would totally buy it, I'm trying not to spend money but cute things make that difficult!
