Friday Fancies

Hello! I am starting this weeks fancies with my number one favourite thing
This is Amos! Amos will be moving in with us at the beginning of February, we confirmed the adoption yesterday! We are so excited and I will keep you updated on this goof ball for sure! YAY!
Urban Puppy on etsy
Planning on getting Amos one of these once he's settled in, you can get two phone numbers on the back, score!

thetruereaven on redbubble
I love Jurassic Park, and I love the Simpsons and this shirt is just too funny*
SakaraStyle on etsy
Just because I am getting a dog that doesn't mean I'm going to stop buying stuff with cats all over it! 
theprintedsurface on etsy
I love this Beyonce inspired mug, it looks so shiny (just like Beyonce's hair...sigh)

Half Baked Harvest

*heavy breathing* look at this vegetarian burger, it looks like the most amazing burger ever and I am pretty sure you could make it vegan if you just took out the cheese and substituted the egg with another binding ingredient. I am most interested in the beer caramelised onions and sweet potato fries on top and I am printing this recipe so I can make it soon!

So that's all for this week, have a great weekend and a good Australia Day - don't get too drunk or sunburned!
Megan xo

*P.S in case you don't understand the Billy and the Clonesaurus t-shirt, here's a horrible video of the scene from the Simpsons


  1. Wow, that burger looks amazing!

    1. I am still drooling over it! (P.S I LOVE your blog, it's one of my favourites!)
