January Goal Recap

OK, seriously. Where did January go? *looks under couch* - nope, it's not there! I feel like this month flew by faster than usual and my goals flew out the window! 
  1. sleep better -  I think I did reasonably well with this, although I am really bad at getting up on time and I need to work on that a LOT!
  2. eat better and cook more - eating better I failed at, but I did cook more and I have now removed nearly all of the junk food from this house and I will be buying dark chocolate for when I need something sweet - and I am cutting out soft drink and eating more fruit
  3. focus on my blog - I think I did well with this! 17 blog posts this month and ideas brewing!
  4. Start exercising more - wow, super fail! I have the best intentions to do better in February
  5. finish my course - I re-enrolled for the next semester and start on Monday! 6 months to go!
  6. find volunteer work at a vet clinic and get into my vet nurse course - this cannot be even thought about until I finish my current course
  7. go on regular coffee dates with myself - I only went on one, which is better then none
  8. be more organised - definitely accomplished this in January, I remembered birthdays, the house is clean, and I've cleaned out a few cupboards in the house and donated things that we no longer need - it feels so good 
  9. goodreads challenge - 24 books - haha I am already one book behind schedule, need to finish Yes Please ASAP!
  10.  Daily instax again! - so far so good!

Alright I am a little disappointed with how I went in January, but I am feeling really optimistic about February. I start back at TAFE and my volunteering, so that will bring a bit more structure back.

And because I forgot to take photos for this blog post, here's a photo of Violet's gigantic butt.
She needs a brush but attacks me when I try!
Megan xo

1 comment

  1. It's great that you're doing a recap for January! I had to do this, and realized I failed miserably in some categories and lost some progress in some, but it's good to sit and have a think about how things are actually going - it's easy to get caught up in working on some things, forgetting others, and not taking the time to realize where your attention is falling!
