Recent Misc. Purchases

We went for a stroll up the main road in Springwood recently and I bought a few things for around the house that I couldn't resist!
I couldn't leave this clock in the is just way too cute! And at $10 it was pretty cheap too!
Teeny tiny puppy coin tin. I've already told Nathan that the money I save in this is going to buy us a puppy. Seems fitting, right?!
 I also went to my favourite store in Springwood, the New Age Markets. They sell 50 million things in that place and I'd been eyeing off their amethyst chunks for a while and decided to buy a small one.
 The final thing is also from the New Age Markets and it's a strawberry bird. A strawbird? A birdberry? It's amazing and I could not leave him there! Look at his tail -
I love it!
 Have a great day
Megan xo

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