What My Self Care Looks Like Lately

It's important to remember to look after yourself, and not just in a "drink water, eat good food, and sleep properly" sort of way, but in a "give yourself a fucking break" way! Incorporating self care into my everyday has become something important to me even though I do struggle with it. I'm trying to be better! Here are a few ways I've been taking care of me lately
The easiest thing I like to do is use a face mask, I always have a little stash in my bathroom. There's something so nice about laying around with one on for 15 minutes and I feel glowy afterward!
 Self care also includes taking stupid selfies, obviously!
Sometime self care is eating ice cream with passionfruit butter at 2pm...
Lately I've been enjoying walking through the bush. I take a dog a couple of days a week for a walk and there's a fire trail nearby. I pop a podcast on my headphones and just walk until we reach the end. It's not high intensity or anything, but the fresh air, the smells and the sun make me feel so good.
What kind of self care are you into lately?
Megan xo 

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